We accompany in creating and implementing virtuous circles, programs, and systems that enable the achievement of the goals outlined within the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy and, transversely, in the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policy of your organization.

We call them virtuous because they are developments that take into account the institution's DNA, legacy, and the path that must be traversed to achieve the desired objective, fostering synergy among all stakeholders within that system.

Customized projects

We don't replicate or repeat. We engage in our clients' change process, and each proposal is UNIQUE for each institution.


We create and implement purposeful virtuous circles, programs, and systems that are interconnected within the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy.

People & environment

We generate the greatest positive and responsible impact possible WITH ALL THE PEOPLE involved in our programs.


We work with agile methodologies and professionals from all necessary areas to create the virtuous system that your institution needs.

Our Universes Of Action

Within each of these universes, we will be proposing the creation of our comprehensive virtuous systems tailored to your organization.

If you don’t have an implemented CSR policy yet or if you have isolated projects without any synergy, we will support you in creating a sustainable and enduring policy, starting with the DNA of your organization. A virtuous system that consistently nurtures the institution. If you already have one, we help you enhance it.

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We will delve deeply into your CSR policy and together, we will create interconnected virtuous circles, programs, and systems, fostering joint and sustainable synergy. This will make your policy even more successful and consistently self-renewing, functioning as a seamless engine in terms of CSR and contributing to your ESG policy.

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Within the frameworks of CSR and ESG policies, we will establish specialized committees in three different pillars that are essential for the emerging future: (Crisis, Ethics, and Gender/Diversity).

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We believe there is no leadership without purpose. That’s why in this section, we will work with the teams of your organization so that within their development, they reach their maximum potential, contributing to both personal purposes and the institution’s overarching mission.

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We want to accompany you in deeply developing your institutional legacy. CSR and ESG policies allow us to prepare the ground to highlight your footprint in the world. Are you ready to start creating it?

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We develop technical training programs aligned with the CSR policy, ensuring they are cross-cutting across the institution and serve the purpose of synergy within the virtuous systems we create in La máquina sustentable. Formats include in company, webinars, and workshops with specialists in various topics.

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We want to support the leaders of your institution so that they can undergo a personal transformation that allows them to be more mindful of their actions and resources. This will result in a more present, environmentally aligned, and available-to-the-team BEING as a leader.

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Learn more about us

We invite you to download the brochure of La Máquina Sustentable.

How can a virtuous system impact your CSR policy?

Many clients ask me what is the concept of a virtuous circle, program or system when we introduce them to this type of project from the Sustainable Machine.

We always answer the same thing:

The only way to make something work (from our point of view) is to be very clear about the objective we want to achieve, to involve the parties, to generate a feedback process and in turn connect it with another circle, program or system so that they can interact with each other. Sustainable and long-lasting systematization. That is what we do.

We often find ourselves with individual programs, which, yes, can contribute to CSR policy, but are not sustainable in the long term, since they are created for a particular moment and a particular situation that…

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Today’s leaders: verticalist or innovative and conscious?

I must be honest… I had many vertical bosses. I developed in an environment of bosses
and conservatives.

This does not imply that they were good or bad. That would be imposing my personal judgment, but yes.
that the entrepreneurial dynamic has always been and still is, in many institutions

While I had freedom of action, for almost all of it I had to give explanations or “ask permission” for
to be able to innovate in some leadership issues.

I found myself at that time, taking a lot of risks. Decisions that some of my bosses
They came to be known as rebellion, when in fact it was a different form of rebellion from the
The leadership that was imparted both in the command links and also in the core of the organization.
What happens when the organization has a vertical base:

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Staff training and then what?

Many organizations consider training staff only for new hires or for the first few years of employment.
sporadically, either because it does not want to invest in systematic and effective training or because it does not want to invest in
because it is one of the institution’s requirements to carry out some type of training of
specialization in certain subjects only to meet the institution’s objectives.
Often when we are contacted for a training session, the first thing we are asked to do is to tell us what we have been asked for.
we call “some canning”. The so-called nice, good and cheap.
The reality is that we prefer to say no.

If it is true, we say no to canned goods. We explain to our potential customers
because working with canned training programs does not align with us and does not align with us.
would be useful to the organization in the long term.

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