Staff training and then, what´s next?

Many organizations consider training their staff only for new hires or sporadically either because they don’t want to invest in systematic and effective training or because it’s one of the institution’s requirements to conduct some type of specialization training to meet institutional objectives.

Often when they contact us to conduct training, the first thing they ask for is what we call a ‘canned’ solution. The supposed nice, good, and cheap option.
The reality is that we prefer to say no.

It’s true, we say no to canned solutions. We explain to our potential clients why working with canned training programs doesn’t align with us and wouldn’t be useful for the organization in the long run.

Our purpose is very clear: to leave a legacy and a positive impact on people and the world. We do it consciously and responsibly.

That’s why we only work on projects that we can tailor and exclusively deliver to generate sustainable and long-lasting results. And above all, IMPACTING the individuals who are part of that training. Human beings are the core of every institution.

This way of working allows us to delve into the organization, understand its complexity and its DNA. Recognize strengths, but also weaknesses, and thus generate virtuous programs that allow for deep and root-level change in the institution, not only in the training topic but also in all its collaborators.

This clear purpose has brought us clients who DO want to work consciously with their human resources and truly make a positive impact on the organization. We’ve also lost clients who only wanted canned solutions but didn’t align with our purpose.

The important thing:

If you’re going to train your staff, ideally, it should be systematic and with a defined purpose. This should allow for long-term growth for the organization and its people. People should undergo a training process that truly provides them with tools for their work but also for their personal purpose.

We think and do it this way. At the Sustainable Machine, we don’t conduct training just to meet statistics; we do it to generate positive impact on the institution and its collaborators and leave a mark. A seed of change.
These are the values of La Máquina Sustentable.


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